Cleaning Services T&CS

BIMSTORE aims to clean, restore and improve your shoes and bags. Our cleaning specialists and restorers undergone different trainings so you are sure to get the top-class experience when it comes to cleaning and restoration of your shoes and bags. We only use premium cleaning/restoration products and tools to also make sure the quality of our services.
However, BIMSTORE shall not be liable in any event or for any reason, including breach of this agreement, either directly or indirectly, to customer, or any third party, for any special, indirect, incidental, punitive, exemplary or consequential damages or loss of profits arising out of this agreement, regardless of whether such liability is based on breach of contract, tort, strict liability, breach of warranties, or otherwise, even if such damages were foreseeable or BIMSTORE has been advised of the possibility of such damages. Customer agrees that for any liability related to the purchase of products or services, Company is not liable or responsible for any amount of damages above the aggregate peso amount paid by customer for the purchase(s) or service(s) under this agreement. Individual results may vary, decide at your own risk.
If your item is not retrieved within ninety (90) days after service have been rendered, will be considered abandoned and thereafter, donated or disposed of by the Company. You will receive at least two (2) updates (via text or email) following the completion of services on your item/s informing you of the relevant dates of pickups and consequences from lack thereof. Additionally, you will receive a phone call at least one (1) day prior to disposal process and considered a "final warning".